Today, words from Anne Morrow Lindbergh...
"Only with winter-patience can we bring
The deep desired, long-awaited spring."
I am learning the art of not wishing winter away, resolving to embrace even these last trailings of it before the much-loved spring. The bare starkness of it can be beautiful if you're looking through the right eyes.
And I begin to find comfort in winter, and just enough of an inner stirring to spend time reflecting and writing and sketching art ideas. Which is good. We should stop what we're doing creatively now and then, long enough to take a breath and see how we can push ourselves a little further, set more lofty art goals. What else can I learn and do and try? This creative life is sometimes exhausting that way, but rejuvenating and healthy for us.
So make new friends with winter and take advantage of the stay-indoors time to bring new life to your creativity. There are rare and awakening surprises there.