At the beginning of each year, I think long about a word (a concept?) to focus and give attention to. For 2013, my word is ‘Time’.
I think what I’d like to make happen is a shift in my attitude toward this gift we call Time…
- Time is an investment, not something to be conquered or even caught up with.
- My time is not more valuable than any other person’s, so my focus on others’ time is important.
- Although becoming more efficient isn’t a bad goal, it’s not my main one. Checking off more tasks on my to-do list isn’t my goal. Likely I’ll spend a little time deciding which items can be erased from that list. Be more effective and less productive might be a good way to say it?
- The rushed-ness of life stresses me out. I end up a frazzled and ineffective mess when I’m doing nothing more than putting out the fire that’s right in front of me. In that way I do need to practice more ‘time management’ skills. Note to self…most things can wait!
- So on the days that I am less stressed, my creativity kicks in and I am more artistically effective (isn’t it fun how that works?)
- Which leads me to another focus for this year…create. I’m getting too old to keep telling myself that I’ll do everything else first and do my art with the leftover scraps of the day.
- If I allow myself to be the creative soul God meant me to be, I can give a better version of myself to my family and to others.
- I could keep going, but enough already...
And so Time is the key…being aware of it, wrapping it warm around me and savoring it, giving it away (almost always a good idea), and protecting it when I need to.
(and hopefully spending a little more time updating my blog friends, right? :)
May each moment of your 2013 be everything it is meant to be for you and yours.