I woke with energy and motivation to go into my studio and make journals to put in my shop.
But that changed when I went down to the kitchen, windows open and that spring breeze blowing in. I knew it would be a baking, fresh-air chores day.
(I'm just learning Instagram...bear with me...these photos look a little weird don't they?)
That sky-blue sky with those puffy white clouds. Breathe deep deep deep and savor all that fresh air...
just the remedy for that teenage-boy-smell that sometimes accompanies the clothes on that young man that I love so much...
and with windows open and fresh lilacs catching the breeze, I don my apron and start baking...
stacks of waffles to put in the freezer (there is no end to how many waffles a 14-year-old boy can eat in one sitting)...
almond butter cookies that will be gone within 20 minutes of the kids getting home from school...
and fresh bread for dinner and maybe even some for tomorrow too...
What do you like to do with your fresh-air spring days?