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15 March 2013


Sheila R

I always love what you hands create! So inspiring. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Love all the colour!

Lauren @ PaperHelen

Oh - I love this! I think I might need to do this.


Aaahhh . . . on a gray day like today, looking at all these beautiful papers and the artful creating with them is just what I need. So beautiful. I'm captivated by all the detail!


whatta cheery post, thanks :)


Just curious... how long did it take to make all those tags? You've embellished them wonderfully! Wow.


That's gorgeous, thanks for sharing! Very inspiring.

paige thomas king

my eye was drawn to all of the ribbons--love them--which took me into the wonder of each, individual tag. love the touch of the flower. thanks for the inspiration as we await spring in middle TN. id love to try something like this, but i always get stuck at "start."


I can't get over all of the lovely color. It's almost like there's movement, too, because your eye is constantly moving around this piece. I know I will re-visit this post often just to look and be inspired. Thanks for sharing your lovely work.

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