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05 February 2013



Lovely pieces, Rebecca. Les Mis has the most wonderful story of grace and life! Here's to LIFE!

Cherie Wilson

embrace life! XO and your artwork... it's beautiful!

Linda Jo

These are soooooooooo wonderful!


Absolutely love the new journals. If we are anything alike, you look at all of them and try to guess which ones will go first :) Its always hard to choose a favorite but I think the one with 'love' stitched across in colorful striped wool is my fav. Beautifully done, Rebecca!


Tout mignon !


Much love to you Rebecca.

xoxo Colette

Yvonne Welty

Received my latest journal purchase Friday after a busy workweek. I sat down and had some tea and openned the package. I love it! Can't wait to start using it. You can definately call me a Rebecca groupie. Each purchase I make is better than the one before and that's saying a lot! Have a great week Rebecca!

Molly Quigley

I just bought one of these...the little girl with the dog. LOVE! I just missed your journals...but I got an awesome treasure instead. Thank you sweet Rebecca!

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