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07 May 2012


Sheila R

Gorgeous! Just love your stitching!


I love your quotes and your stitching! It is a lovely way to start my day.


How very very pretty your stitchwork is! Thanks...I love the quotes you share.


Very nice! I really like both the quote and the little piece, just sweet.


You are always working on something adorable!

Donna Rae Barrow

Wonderful words + sweet stitching = precious project! This is really lovely.


Just lovely!

Lynne Gill

This is pretty, Rebecca, though I'm not sure how easy/comfortable it is to stitch on hessian? I love the leaf/petal image, but find it a pain when you have to needle-turn the edges - this raw edge looks like a winner!


So lovely, Rebecca....

Our pastor's daughter is leaving for Haiti this Sunday for a missions trip. I am quickly putting together some little dresses using the pattern from Dress A Girl Around The World. I think I may have to do more and send them. :)


Definitely cheered up my working day, I wish I were at home sewing instead of working. Such incredible detail and I do like the fabrics you have used.


I can't tell you how much I love this, Rebecca! Beautiful work!


This is beautiful, Rebecca!!! You are so talented!

auntie bliss

Each little leaf is stitched differently :)


May I ask (if) what curve you're using with this photograph? Or which camera?




This is beautiful Rebecca - the words and the flower, all combining. Your stitching is simply lovely.

Sally Smith

So pretty! Love it.




so pretty :-)


i thnk this is so beautiful.can u show the more pics of this project? because i want to know how to make it




I would love if you can tell me how you did this.its absolutly beautiful!

Helen B. @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

Beautiful! Love all the colors!

Blue Eyed Beauty Blog


This is so beautiful. Is it for decorative purposes only or is there some way to use it?
Thank you!

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