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02 June 2011


Sherry Cartwright

I love your list and just might adapt some of them into our family list of all things summery!

We've already eaten warm tomatoes off the vine. If I don't eat them right then and before the daughter gets them, I just might miss out. She is loving the garden-fresh tomatoes!


What a happy, grand list! It is still so rainy and cold in Utah... I think the whole population of the state is depressed, but one day it will be summer here too. And I'm going to print your list to remind myself that sunny summer days will surely come!
Wishing you a wonderful summer.


Nice garden. Love the picture of the laundry drying on the line. Thanks for sharing the summer check list. I am sure to try a few of these myself.


A great idea and a great list. I'm adapting it to create my own Summer Checklist.

It's always nice to see you pop up in my reader.


I always knew we were kindred spirits! :) If I made such a list, many of our items would be the same. I thank God that He gave me my two boys to help me think like a kid again, and recapture all of this wonderful fun that will someday make beautiful memories...


I'm a new fan of yours. Love your blog... & your outlook on life. Thank you for sharing.


Your photos remind me of a simpler time in my life, and many years ago! It warms my heart to see you embrace it, that there are still people who love the land, and work it. It's so rewarding, isn't it? Yes, I am loving these outdoor days. :)


missed your posts...but i thought you might be busy with doing...rather than watching...we are in the cold...watching...and crafting days here in SA...but i love your list...makes me look forward to summer again..


O how I long for warm weather! It is rainy, cold and sun-less here in the PacNw. I love the summer list. I am going to post it to my blog and check it off as I go. Thanks!

Donna Rae Barrow

This is such a gift... just for me... thank you! I'm going to print this list and post it prominently in my kitchen, right next to the elegantly scripted sign that reads, "Dare to Let Go"~!

tea time and roses

What a lovely list Rebecca! Like Donna, I too am going to print this list. Hmmmm this would be beautiful stitched and framed.:o)

Happy weekend to you!



Leah C

Summer is grand...and that's a wonderful "to-do" list:)

gretchen ciccotti

Wise words Rebecca! I hope you don't mind I shared your checklist on my blog! Thank you!


perfect list!!!


I love summer too! Long, lazy days, no schedule, baseball games, boat rides and fishing. Playing board games until midnight. Totally enjoying the warmth. (Just wish we'd have a little rain)


That is quite a large garden...it alone would keep you busy. But is there really anything better then home-grown tomatoes? No, I don't believe there is. I clink my lemonade glass to yours and wish you that slow, breath in deep, not in a hurry beauty that summer should be.
Smiles, Andra


Oh - I already did a few of these today - even though our weather isn't as good here in Scotland. But I ate tomatoes off the vine (only way to eat them if you grow your own!), went barefoot (on the grass), drove with the windows down, hung my laundry outside...will work on the rest of the list...thanks x


The older I am, the quicker the times flies.
Our big summer project is helping our son and his family restore an old farmhouse. Busy days!
Enjoy the summer, dear Rebecca!

Nicole Steele

I'm happy to say your list IS how we already spend our summer days! And it makes life beautiful!

We are having friends from our college days over tomorrow night - I just invited them tonight - and one item on your list inspired me: playing cards on the front porch. I don't know any card games beyond Go Fish so I'm stopping at the library tomorrow to get a book on card games for us to have fun into the wee hours of the morning.


Great list... I have printed it and plan to do each one it at all possible


Wonderful list of summer to dos ~ I find that if you savor and enjoy each moment that summer goes by slower. Hope your summer is beautiful.

Sally Minyard

What a delightful list my friend!! You have given me some inspiration to seek out some treasured moments to enjoy some of the things on your list. I find so much of my time goes to other people. BUT....I think some me time is in order! Thank you for giving me a little nudge in the right direction! I hope you have a happy and blissful summer. You have always been so good to me Rebecca and for that I can never thank you enough!!

Sally xxxxxxxx


And isn't that just what Summer is all about.
Rebecca, your garden looks stunning with enough yummy produce to feed an army!!!! Oh to have that space!
I'm in my little office and it's freezing about 6˚, I've got the heater up full bore.
I'd much rather be sitting where you are contemplating nature!!!

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