To feed my creative spirit I have to take a glance back. And then a long, dedicated focus forward. My first step in doing this was to look over what I've done creatively over the past year or two...
I share this process with you because it's been really helpful and motivating. I think it will be for you too. Glance over the things you've created in the past (If you want to make a photo mosaic like I've done you can do that here)...and ask yourself these questions...
Would I create this same piece again?
Would I buy this and display/use in my home?
Is this something that really speaks of who I am artistically?
If you're saying an honest 'yes'...then go forward in the direction of your dreams (i stole that quote you know).
If you're saying 'hmmm, not so sure'...then focus on what you'd like to do to work toward some transformations in your art/craft. For me, I look at my work and as much as I'm comfortable with most of it...well, I'm ready to stretch even further. And that's what it all is, isn't it? Continuing to stretch and push and discover (so nourishing to our creative spirit!).
Two ideas of encouragement and support (okay, advice)...
Take time to enrich your creativity. This is hard for us (me). Really, really hard. We're conditioned to be more productive and then move on to the next thing. But this isn't creatively satisfying. Be okay with not churning out projects for a while. Nuture your creative self with long, cleansing sessions of trying things out, discovering new techniques, even allowing frustrations at 'failures' along the way. It's how we grow.
Make it you. Each of us are inspired by others and that is a beautiful starting point. But it will not nourish us creatively if we don't make it ours. Be yourself!! How many times have we heard that? Trying to create something that you hope others will like/approve of is a burden. It's so freeing to pour your own creative soul into something and just not care. Trust me, I am speaking mainly to myself here...been guilty of this for so long. Spend time pondering over all the things that make you you...what you love, your personality, your design preferences, your favorite words, colors, music, books. What textures, mediums and materials do you love? What sounds, scents and sights make you happy?...I could start a whole course here, but you get the idea.
Enough for today? I think so too.
The word 'sacrifice' keeps popping into my head lately. And how it ties into all this. Maybe we can talk about that next time.
Grace for today, dear ones.
Wise words, Miss Rebecca:) Your creativity is so amazing to me...every thing you make is a work of art. Truly! Now, I'm off to spend the day "nourishing" my lil' creative spirit:)
Posted by: Leah C | 07 January 2011 at 09:48
So inspirational! Many thanks for your wise words! xx
Posted by: Angie Walsh | 07 January 2011 at 10:46
Thought-provoking. I have a hard time of letting go and letting myself, my true self, shine in my art. You've given me some thoughts to chew on. Thank you.
I'm off to create a mosaic of my creations over the past year or two.
Posted by: Lorrie | 07 January 2011 at 12:55
This was what I was attempting to contemplate today on my blog! Thanks for providing some more fodder for thought. The timing was perfect....
Posted by: Lisa H. | 07 January 2011 at 12:58
Lovely thoughtful post, thank you & Blessings for you in 2011.
Posted by: caro | 07 January 2011 at 13:53
As I'm already floundering in this new year, I SOOOO needed these words today. Thanks for sharing your encouragement.
Posted by: Jill Green | 07 January 2011 at 14:54
agape :)
Posted by: donna!ee | 07 January 2011 at 15:56
I really struggle with this too. I find that my creativity will just stall out. Then I know it is time to refocus and go a different direction.. Beautiful post.
Posted by: Dawn B. | 07 January 2011 at 16:30
So appropriate for me, especially as I have been contemplating a question my friend,(who happens to be a therapist) recently asked me while we were working on a project.
"What would you create if you weren't concerned about selling it?..."
I'm not sure I have an answer to that.
Posted by: Joy Bayer | 07 January 2011 at 17:00
Love this post:) Great advice:) I think you are one of the most creative people I know. It is amazing to me the things you make and what you put into them:) I think..........I would have never thought of doing that with that:) CREATIVE!!
Posted by: april | 07 January 2011 at 17:28
Pretty much, my reaction to this is I would like a set of sheets printed with that mosaic.
Posted by: Robin Thomas | 07 January 2011 at 17:32
yes, it IS helpful to look back on our accomplishments and give ourselves a little credit. so glad you've done that! happy new year!
Posted by: kerri | 07 January 2011 at 18:34
Thanks for the link to Big Huge Lab ... I have just spent the last hour playing at some of the photo creations ... so much fun! You have just helped me begin to address some of the photography issues that I've been having on my little blog! Huzzah!
Posted by: Susan | 07 January 2011 at 19:30
rebecca, please close your eyes and imagine the enormous hug i'm sending you for sharing your heart this way......thank you sweet gal!!
xox, :)))
Posted by: lori vliegen | 07 January 2011 at 20:51
A terrific way to start the new year, Rebecca. Thanks!
Posted by: Deryn Mentock | 08 January 2011 at 06:46
Thank you for the thoughtful message today! Just what I needed to hear. Your "book of work" still amazes me and touches me. I love how you bring yourself to the pieces, makes them all the more special and inspiring.
Posted by: KateinCleveland | 08 January 2011 at 08:21
Rebecca, I hope you don't mind that I made my own. Great idea...thank you!
Posted by: Deryn Mentock | 08 January 2011 at 09:11
Beautiful post and so true...This microwave society we live in should not find its way into what nourishes our soul. Alot to ponder today...
Posted by: Patty M | 08 January 2011 at 10:07
I really like this. It will fit well in my journal I'm working. I found an old post in Hub Pages titled artistic life makeover. I'm creating my own journal centered around that. I found an article in a magazine that is wonderful for the physical part and have been working on that. I would like to use some of your words in the creative section. It's really good advice.
Posted by: Vickie C | 08 January 2011 at 10:19
I love this post Rebecca. I joined in with another blog last year doing Artful Thursday posts for the year and it was a wonderful thing. I made time to try new things, new techniques and new challenges. It's over now, and this year I'm on my own and changing it up a bit, to better suit me and what I like but the important thing is as you say - challenge ourselves to try more. Love it.
You said something else that really spoke to me. I look at other blogs, other people's work, and am in awe of what they create, and the volume of it, never mind the seeming ease with which they seem to do it.
When I see these things people make, they are pretty and simple (I don't mean that in a negative way either) but if I try to duplicate their style I struggle. When I stay true to my own style it goes smoother, faster and is less of a struggle. A natural fit. So while I will always admire what I see, I know I need to stay true to me.
Posted by: Jillayne | 08 January 2011 at 19:32
That was profound...and very helpful. Thanks for being such a "giver" and thank you for the lovely note you wrote to me about my husband's illness. I appreciated your kindness so much!
Posted by: Susan Reaney | 08 January 2011 at 21:02
Thankyou Rebecca. You are truely nourishing us with all of your shared insights! It has really been on my heart to protect my TIME. Your post just reinforces that and so much more. I love how so much was on my heart this week and I just soared in my creativity this weekend as a result. Think I will try a mosaic, thankyou! Love and prayers your way!
Posted by: Cherie Wilson | 09 January 2011 at 13:04
Rebecca, your words were so timely and insightful. Thank you for sharing. It was reassuring to know others struggle too, with their creativeness, and we should trust ourselves and create from our heart. I also enjoyed reading your article in HandCrafted Mag about Traveling Companion. You are amazing! Valerie
Posted by: Valerie | 09 January 2011 at 15:26
Thank you! Great inspiration.
Posted by: Carole Reid | 10 January 2011 at 18:37
Thank for your wise words!
Posted by: Gunnel Svensson | 12 January 2011 at 16:24