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05 January 2011



you are such a kind & inspiring soul.
blessings to you and your family for a magical 2011


Such a wonderful cause...so hard to even imagine what it would be like to live without ready access to clean, safe water...let alone, just water. Blessings to you and Jenny for creatively finding a way to share hope, life, and love...just ordered my own set of these whimsically adorable stamps!


Oh, girl, how can we say "no" to that? The 2 ladies have smiles on their faces, I'm touched by that. You've turned on my waterworks..

Alisa Logue

Rebecca, Thank you so much for all the info you emailed me regarding Haiti. I am more at ease now. It's a good thing you are doing for them and I can't wait to go experience it myself! God bless you! -Alisa

Jenny Doh

Thank you, Rebecca.
To life,

vickie ann

I so often thank God for water....when I am washing my hair, face, taking a bath, or drinking a nice tall glass of water right out of the tap....my husband was so surprised that when I pray I often thank God for water.


I'm so glad that you're able to use your gifts to bless others! I just bought my stamps : )

Had lunch with a friend today who is involved, and her and her husband were able to teach locals how to weld and build frames for their wells!

Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

Hello Rebecca,
These are a wonderful way for any one of us to help with one of the most pressing problems in the world. WATER. We have sponsored several World Vision children for the past 21 years and this past November while we were in Sri Lanka, we were able to meet Mahoshani and see what our sponsorship has meant for her, her family and village. Water and sanitation as well as growing their own food are just some basic needs being met..it was so humbling to see how each one of us can make a difference in our own way. 80% of Sri Lankans are buddhits and show such grace. Thank you for giving us a way to help. You continue to inspire such love and grace.


I was struck so deeply with the difference in how water is viewed in America compared to the rest of the world when we were watching Last Comic Standing last year. One of them said in his bit, "We have so much water in America that we have water parks and play in it" while so many people don't have any to drink. That changed the way I think about using more than I need!

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