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01 January 2011



My word for this year is HEALTHY...body,mind,spirit and financial.
I love finding a word...or it finding me. It reminds me to focus as the year goes on.
Thanks for sharing!


happy new year rebecca. nourish is a wonderful word. i wish you the best in the new year. my word is love.

Donna Rae Barrow

Prayer. That's my word. Real, honest, consistent prayer. Everything else will follow.


My word for this year is "Purpose". I'm hoping to examine many aspects of my life---to reinforce some, purge some and invite new things, too.

lorraine lewis

yes- so beautiful! and thank you so much for the beauty i always find here. my spirit is always nourished with my visits here, thank you rebecca for all that you share.

wishing you the sweetest of blessings this new year.


Love your post Rebecca! Nourish is such a fabulous word to choose! Since I take care of my elderly parents I have to choose 2 words for the new year...patience and love! It can be so hard at times!! Wishing you all the best for 2011 my friend. Love....Sally


I love words, too.....in fact, last night I decided to write down 365 words..I tried to get the list completed before midnight, but, I did not..I got too late of a start (beginning) in making the list...anyway, since my husband passed away in june of 2010 i have trying to find my way, making a list of words has helped me...the word I chose for today is Acceptance..I am doing a word a day..too many too choose from ....Choices..now that is an awesome word!

Heart Hugs,


Oh my goodness,... I read your blog often (and adore it), but have never commented. I am just amazed at how serendipitous this post seemed to me. I was thinking along those exact lines yesterday when I made my one and only new Years resolution to Persevere. So I guess that my word for 2011 is Persevere.

Thank You fo such inspiration!!

Patty M

I love your word...don't we all need more nourishing? My word is discovery...As I approach a new decade marker in my life, I want to be sure I know my authentic self. I want to discover me...and then I can better nourish the world around me. Happy New Year.

Jane T in NW Louisiana

My word for this year is GIVE.


Listen. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Listen to my own heart. Listen from the ones I love. LISTEN.


Happy New Year to you! I'm seeing so many bloggers choosing words for the year. Rejoice! Intent! Nourish! In some ways, they are all tied together and I like that. I shall embrace them all as this is a year of purpose. Blessings and best wishes, Tammy


I love your word Rebecca. I haven't thought of one yet. Love the photos that you have with this post. Happy New Year to you!


I love your word! I've chosen CULTIVATE for mine this year. I want to cultivate my dreams, cultivate my relationships, cultivate the person I've always hoped I could be. May 2011 be joyful, healthy and prosperous for you and yours!


Happy New Year Rebecca... love your 2011 word... I have been choosing a word for the past couple of years... this year it is 'TRUTH' for me...
May 2011 be everything you dream it to be :)))

Jenny x


Nourish...love it! Mine is "stillness."


Love your choice.
I am still deciding.

Blessings in 2011, dear Rebecca!
D xo

Robin Thomas

Happy New Yar Rebecca. I love the word nourish. SO true that we cannot give well when the well is low.

Last year I choose 'receive' and decided I would work on that as long as it took. I am ready for a new word,but it hasn't come to me yet.

Thank you for putting me in your sidebar. I have had many great visitors as a result. I received it and it nourished me. Truly.


Beautiful post and beautiful word Rebecca. Mine is Content. I have rarely been truly content, always thinking that to improve yourself you have to strive for more. Now it's time to look at what I have and who I am and understand that it is enough - all I need is already here. And if I am content I can stop trying to gather more to me, and start giving more to others.


Happy New year to you Rebecca! I wish you all the best!


So many words to choose from but the word that comes to my mind right now for this year is 'Thrive!' I have a bumpy road ahead this year and I have decided that I was not going to let that get in my way of bringing and giving Joy. So, in order to do that I must learn to thrive each day. Thanks for the inspiration!


Happy New Year Rebecca. Love the idea of nourish. I think my word for this year is Listen.
Wishing you and your family a nourishing 2011!
xo natalea

Susan Reaney

That is a wonderful word, Rebecca. I need to remember that, too. My word is "hope." my forever healthy husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer several days after I returned from Silver Bella. There have been so many "hopes," and they seem to change in this short time. Somedays I hope that his treatment work, somedays, that he will not suffer and somedays, that I will just get through the day without bursting into tears un the middle of Target. It's a time of uncertainty, but mostly a time of great love.


Enough. That's my word for the year. To make sure I keep it in focus all year I'm taking Ali Edwards class, One Little Word, at Big Picture Scrapbooking.


Rebecca,'courage' is my word for the year. I feel like I need to be courageous this year on so many levels.I love your choice too, and also many in the the other comments left.
Happy 2011 x

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