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17 November 2010



How true...lovely image too

Sheri Howard

What a wonderful idea to openly express your gratitude...so little is appreciated these days. Thank you for your lovely picutres and thoughts.

Ginny C.

Rebecca, I've been bitten by the embroidery bug( I haven't embroidered since I was child-a long time ago.) Can you recommend a good book, one with stitch how-tos & patterns? I love the free style stitching you do, but need a little help.

katie scott


Cari Bruno

What a lovely theme and nice reminder of what the season is about.
Thank you

Kelly in Canada

lovely, rebecca.


Simple words with deep meaning.


Those things are all we really need.


What a wonderful, simple prayer. I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you for sharing. Just a little feedback...the new all-caps font is difficult to read. I liked the old one better :-) But I'll keep coming back, I promise!

Leah C

One of my favorite poets:)

Colette Copeland

Dear Rebecca,
I daresay many are gratefyl for YOU.
I am.
xo Colette


Your thankful photos are lovely Rebecca :o)


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