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08 October 2010


lorraine lewis

Yes good distractions indeed... I love it!

What good girls your hens are!!!!

charlotte lyons

Looks pretty yummy over there! I think you'd like this stew recipe too...from my dear friend Nicki and the 1st issue of Home Companion-



amen to that!


Apart from being creative - this is my dream life, to have laying hens and lots of home baking and preserves. Thanks for sharing this part of your life.


How wonderful Rebecca...thank you for the much needed reminder...

Jenny x

Dawn Burnworth

We are heading to the mountains in NC this weekend.. I love it there. SO refreshing.. Your canning looks terrific. I love the basket of eggs. Nothing like fresh eggs..Thanks for sharing.


oooh, those pumpkin whoopie pies have been on my to-do list!


Oh my, your room looks really tempting! :)


Wonderful! Nature calls to me but I live in a country that doesn't have much to offer in that area. So we travel! Those pumpkin whoopie pies have been on my to-do list for a while, so I must get to the business of making them and trying out many new things. Enjoy your time away. Wishing you all the best :) Tammy


A beautiful, inspirational post Rebecca! I agree with you so much about the last bit - it's easy to talk about living creatively but another thing entirely to get out and do it! Fall is my favourite after our very hot summers and I love to get out too! Enjoy your 3 days of happy-ness!


There are so many things about this post that I love!

I cannot wait to start a garden of my own next year. I wish everyone grew food and bought local/organic foods. I think I need to just live near someone that has hens because I really really want fresh eggs, but I don't want to take care of farm animals. Hmmmm...

Food Inc - great flick!

Whole Foods, REI... fun stuff!!! :)


Such beautifully simple and natural things! I love it!

Kim Palmer

So much going on, no wonder you are so busy. Looking forward to your studio redo. You have a challenging budget to work around!

Leah C

Busy, busy, busy...sounds like beautiful times:)

Trudy Callan

Your life is full of so many wonderful things.


Have a lovely break. It's good to be distracted from the computer at times, there's a big wonderful wide world out there!
Come back rested, refreshed and full of creativity x

Cherie Wilson

It needs to be this simple:) Wait a minute~ canning is not all that simple!.....well no one said the creative life wouldn't be a little work too! Enjoy all that it brings to you and thankyou for the images, recipes and reminders. Feels like home! XO


i am so loving all these pics....such GOOD distractions!

i am just back from Brave Girls Camp in McCall, Idaho....such an amazingly wonderfull distraction....feeling really full up right now!!!

happy day beautiful Rebecca


aren't those honeycrisp apples great?

i just returned from vermont and baked some of those apples with a little butter, brown sugar and maple syrup- YUM.


J'écris en français parce que je suis nulle en anglais .... désolée.
Juste pour vous dire que je viens de mettre votre blog dans la rubrique "inspiration" de notre blog ( mené à 6).

Voici le lien vers l'article :


J'adore votre univers et je m'inspire de vos réas pour mes projets coutures. Bises. Annabel.


just wanted to let you know that something lovely happened to me today…I found your blog…delightful


Wow. Just what I needed to read tonight. Thank you, Rebecca. Thank you.


I made a pie, just this past Saturday, with Honeycrisp apples. Oh my word, good! The whole pie was gone within minutes.

Sandra Evertson

Oh, it is all so lovely, the coolness of the fresh eggs, the warmth of the ripe apples, your beauty and bounty abounds and thanks for sharing it with us!

Sandra Evertson


I'd be so delighted to read some blog entries upon your return; our family would very much like to carve out time to go the the Great Smokies -- we've never been, and so it would be just so terrific to see some of your family's experiences! We tried the lottery for space at Leconte Lodge but came up short -- would love to hear if you've ever been (and if so, how your kids handled the trek)!

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