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18 February 2010



These flowers are so pretty, and so creative! What a wonderful metamorphosis from scraps to beauty!


what a great project. a wonderful welcome for the spring.

Maija Lepore

It's going to be 78 degrees and sunny here in Phoenix....I always have a room for you!!!!

Julie B.

Love your pretty flowers; they remind me of dinner plate dahlias! My hyacinths and daffodils are already poking their sweet heads through the soil here in NM!

Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

So good to see that you have been able to create with all that you have been doing and to share your goodness! The brooch looks so joyful!


Your flowers are gorgeous! What a great way to use fabric scraps!

Beth Perry

those are gorgeous! thanks for the inspiration!

Suzette Ladouceur

Oh, how beautiful!


Pretty pretties!
I am ready for the spring, too!


really lovely and cheery!



Rebecca, these are so pretty! I've been thinking of Spring too. Can't wait to plalnt my first flowers-usually hearty pansies in May!
It's coming!


You flowers are beautiful! What a great addition to any bag or sweater or hat... I'll be looking at the in the shop!

Jo Wholohan

total deja vu Rebecca, this is what ive been doing most of the week too, coming up with different fabric flowers :)) much fun!!! xx


Those are so lovely and what a wonderful way to use left over scraps! So creative, so creative (:

Sally Smith

Gorgeous work, as usual. Thanks for sharing.--

Leah C

I'm in complete agreement...hurry up Spring! Your flowers are so lovely:)


These are lovely ....what a great way of using up scraps.........Lorna

lorraine lewis

so lovely.

Alison Gibbs

How pretty they are.
You are ready for Spring and here in Australia I am so over the heat of Summer and looking forward to 1st march and Autumn/Fall

Anne-Liesse Ankeny

You're the second person today that has really been pining for spring. I haven't gotten there quite yet, although we had a warmer day today and should have a warmer weekend. May talk to me on Sunday evening...
Enjoy yours,
P.S. Please let us know when those flowers go in your shop. I'd love to help by purchasing one.

Becky Shander

What a bright and beautiful idea. And a perfect way to welcome Spring.

Marci Glenn

Very pretty indeed. Can spring be far behind?

Shannon Moreno

I love your brain, Rebecca! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. These past few days of sun in Bowling Green, KY, have been a welcomed surprise, although I might need a few more snow showers to get it out of my system since this California girl is new to all of this snow this year. Keep the spring thoughts coming! We so enjoy your energy!!


Hi Rebecca ~ I purchased your directions last night and I'm so excited to start making your amazing flowers. I'm going to make them for Mother's Day gifts for the mom's in our lives (related and not). I think I'm also going to try to make a few large - large ones to hang on the wall in my office to cheer it up (and me while I'm in there). Thank you for sharing!


What creative flowers I am so inspired too sew flowers myself this early morning. Back to bed for me.

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