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10 August 2009


hens teeth

Inspirational writing Rebecca and I shall try and keep the quote in my thoughts, as it is sound advice.


Congrats, Rachel! You're such a luck ducky!!


(I'm having a giveaway this month, too! Follow my blog for details!)


THANK YOU Rebecca! You certainly made my day!! I am super excited for this!!


Your journals do look like wonderful places to store thoughts and words and dreams....


oh the beauty in a handmade journal is such a treat at every turn of the page ~

Pam Shelton

Your journals are absolutely beautiful!!! Also, congratulations Rachel!!!! :)

Leah C

I keep my monogram journal {a Rebecca Sower original} close by so I can write down all the quotes, poems, etc. that I want to remember. And I often include ones you've shared on your blog:)


Happies to Rachel. That's a lot of fresh air! And then you start to think for every bit of fresh air you could have joy and goodwill and serenity?


Congrats to Rachel ~ what a treasure!


Congratulations Rachel. What a beautiful home for your words :)..xxx

Paige King

i love the way you think and the way you write!
i look forward to every word. thank you for such a authentic attitude!
(i've had the a.a. milne on my facebook profile for months--i know you're not there--but it does define me!)



warmest congrats to lucky rachel!


Alison Gibbs

Great post; Lucky Rachel to win your journal

Dagmar Leuenberger-Swift

thank you again for all the inspiration you put out there and the love that I feel goes with what you do.

Beth D

Congratulations Rachel! I know the journal will be a treasure!

Suzette Ladouceur

Congratulations, Rachel!

Pearl Maple

Congrats to Rachel, lucky girl.
Journals can be the most amazing creative adventure.


I still treasure the journal I bought from you last year. Congrats to the winner- she will love her prize for sure.
xo natalea

Zita - Mlle Magpie

I adore your handmade journals, Rebecca. They are so special!


Thank you for that fantastic quote. Your journals are amazing and inspiring.

Congratulations Rachel, you are so lucky.


Wow! I just clicked over to your ETSY shop, you're projects are always so amazing!
Congratulations on the magazine article, it is well deserved!


that is too cool about the magazine! i will have to check it out.

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