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17 March 2009


Debe L

I will start with $25 for Jenny's socks! Such a good cause. I can't find your Etsy site for some reason....bummer!

Peggy Lucas

I have $75 for Cynthia's socks...and I hope you will post a piece of your artwork (nudge nudge)


$140. for Jenny's socks!



For those of us who wish we
could own a pair of one of
these wonderful socks, but
are not in a position to be
able to outbid at this time
how can we too donate to this

Rebecca Wright

I bid $145 for Jenny's socks and $80 for Cynthia's socks.

Becky Shander

Hi Rebecca,

Great idea! I'll bid $200 for Jenny's socks.


Yes, I also would be happy to donate to this fund but unfortunately as much as I would LOVE either of those socks, I cannot afford to bid as much as these gals.

I raised some money for the Three Cups of Tea foundation(schooling in Afghanistan and Pakistan for girls) on my blog in December. I set up a Paypal link and the money was donated to me, an I donated the funds raised (700!) to the Central Asia Intitute. I held a draw for a print of mine from the names of those who donated.
...just a thought:)

Please let me know where I can donate:)
Cheers, Shelagh

lorraine lewis

Hi Rebecca- I would love to donate to your worthy cause.
Please email me so I can get funds to you.
Thank you for this opportunity.

Alicia Sharp

I also would love to donate some money to you. Please contact me and let me know how! Thanks and I think it is fantastic you are doing this! God bless you!!

milli wagoner

Hi Rebecca, What a wonderful cause!!! I would love to make a donation also. I have tears just thinking about those families and how they live, what all we take for granted....please contact me through flickr with details as to how to make a donation. I would be honored to be a part of helping a family have a home.
Milli (sahsagirl on flickr)


Hi Rebecca,

Oh how I wish I could outbid the highest bidder, but I cannot. I would love to send an amount within our budget though. Will you please send me an address that I can mail a check to?



What an inspirational gift!!! I always think of the less fortunate but do not always "act" on it! You and your family are certainly a great gift to this world!!! Way to go!!!

Peggy Lucas

It isn't so cold in Texas but I think all that pink loveliness should live here so I will bid $100 for Cynthia's socks.


I just found out about your auction. I too would like to donate something or send money. Do you have an account set up? What a wonderful cause.

Tracie Lyn Huskamp

Rebecca.. what an INCREDIBLE act of love and kindness!!!!

Please please... count me in for a donation for the current auction or the next one!

THANK YOU for giving yourself so freely!!! I feel completely BLESSED to call you Friend!


Carol Parks

Hey! I will go $150.00 for Cynthia's! CP

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