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05 January 2009


julie - eab designs

I love your art sampler. What a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.

Michelle Hart

that's such a great idea! glad you're back in the studio :)


This will be amazing.
I just know it.


i adore this idea!! do you mind if i borrow it and tweak a bit? just brilliant! i will absolutely link back to you! :)
not for selling or anything. just for my own personal artwork to add at home.




What a unique idea. I'll be curious to see how it progresses throughout the year. Happy New Year!

kerry lynn

oh my.
you inspire me so rebecca.
happy new year!

meg finn

Hmm, forgot that "actually starting" part! But what a great kick off idea you have given us :)

Gina Sekelsky

love, love, love it! (however, my word of the year isn't start -- it's FINISH!)


I love this idea! Please let us see a peak now and then as it takes on more additions.


I can't wait to see everything! You are an amazing artist and inspire me tremendously so i hope you have a more undistracted 2009 also! happy new year! karen...

Cami @ Heart-Shaped Rock Cottage

Simply luscious...


Such an awesome idea!! I can't wait to see the end result!!



Zita - Mlle Magpie

Fabulous idea! You are so inspiring!

Miss Mandy

I'll look forward to seeing the finished project... although i think it looks great already. Chris Drury does beautiful medicine wheels in similar themes that are worth checking out if you have a minute or 15....

Miss Mandy

I'll look forward to seeing the finished project... although i think it looks great already. Chris Drury does beautiful medicine wheels in similar themes that are worth checking out if you have a minute or 15....

ruth rae

what a fantastic idea! your work is brilliant!
best wishes in the new year and I hope your able to work in that stuido time that you desire. my goal is to do less deadline work and more art from the heart.

Rachael Giallongo

Ooooooh, this is going to be an amazing project! Can't wait to see it when its done!


What a great idea! Would you made terrribly if I borrow your idea? It would be just for my home....totally ♥ it! WHAT A GREAT VISUAL JOURNAL OF YOUR YEAR.

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