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11 June 2008


Michelle Hart

Thank you for posting that lovely picture! Hollyhocks are one of my favorite flowers.
What a beautiful way to start my Wednesday:)

Julie B.

Rebecca, I love your Hollyhocks! I have volunteer plants of them everywhere, but mine are white. I figure if they have enough gumption to grow up through a crack in the sidewalk they should stay! I'll have apricot jam cooking on the stove this weekend, but strawberry is one of my favorites, yum-o!

Heather Bradley

Yes, busy, busy, busy...watering, gardening, weeding and running two teenage boys back and forth to swimming and driver's ed...most days I'm in the car FAR TOO LONG!
Lovely hollyhocks and have loved every project so far...as soon as I am out of the car I just might make one!


My favorite artist, Susan Rios, painted some hollyhocks and I've loved them ever since. Those are stupendous though, my little chickadee. Love your blog, Rebecca. Just found it a couple of days ago and got ya bookmarked to look at. Come visit with me, sweetpea!!


Your's is the third or fourth blog this week where I've read (and/or seen) that their Hollyhocks are blooming. It sure makes me want some. They are such a lovely old fashioned flower. They remind me of my grandma's flower garden when I was young.

Mary Ann

Beautiful! I miss having hollyhocks in the yard - too much wind. I've started some dwarfs though, hope they look as beautiful as this one!


Oh, I do so love hollyhocks ~ yours are especially lovely Rebecca.

Kathleen Grace

I love your hollyhocks, they are my favorite kind, the old fashioned single pink variety. Mine are a few weeks from blooming but I have some by the back door.

Michelle T.

Love your hollyhocks. Just had to tell you last night I re-read Scrapbooking Life's Little Treasures and it's still my favorite idea book of all time. It's so good! I hadn't looked at it in quite some time and remembered how it changed the way I scrapbooked forever. I had 6-month old babies when it came out. They are 6 1/2 now! Thanks for all your inspiration!

Anita McAlpin

Hey girlie!
Hollyhocks are beaUtiful! Gonna have to mail me some seeds...mine all died and have not come back! boo hoo!

things going good up this way...hope to see you again soon!



Beautiful photo. I LOVE your blog! It's inspirational, thank you soooo much.


Hollyhocks already?? My poppies only popped this week!!
The foxglove are about to burst here in the northlands.

Love this handmade series of yours. I look forward to what is next...but take your time. Summer is supposed to be about time to do the things you want to.

Me? Did my son's wedding last weekend...a whirlwind trip to San Antonio...and next week we head to Anchorage to celebrate his twin's wedding reception.

Then... we come home for some lazy days!


It's funny, I always look forward to the "relaxation" of summer. But it's always my busiest time with the kids, garden, horses, travel, etc. I guess it's all the sweet memories made during summer that makes it seem so relaxing.
Thanks for sharing your flowers...they're beautiful!


It's funny, I always look forward to the "relaxation" of summer. But it's always my busiest time with the kids, garden, horses, travel, etc. I guess it's all the sweet memories made during summer that makes it seem so relaxing.
Thanks for sharing your flowers...they're beautiful!

Alison Gibbs

What a beautiful colour your hollyhocks are

jamie j

I just Adore HollyHocks.. Yours are Gorgeous...


Your hollyhocks are beautiful! My roses are just beginning to bloom and we're a week or two away from strawberries yet. Enjoy these wonderful days ... they pass much too quickly.


I LOVE it when I see beautiful photos of all things that are blooming in warmer parts of the country. I get a double show since we are behind a little here in Wisconsin. Those are such beautiful flowers!
Michele ":)

tracy whitney

I've been enjoying your handmade from home posts.
Busy? I've been plenty busy lately. I've started a new job - a completely new endeavor. I have recently been hired as director of our public library. So far so good! Plus, I am a dance teacher and recital week is just about here. Oh yeah, and CHA - Dream Street Papers and a new design collection. And my family, house, garden...
Uh, yeah. Busy!


Hi. Just wondering what strawberry jam recipe you use. Mine sometimes turns out a little too thick. Does yours turn out well and what recipe do you use? I would love to know because it's the only jam my son will eat--my homemade. Thank you! Mona


Hello There sweet angel of the good good words,
What have I been up to lately? Postmarked: LA. came on the 2nd of June and I have to tell you that it no longer looks the way you guys had it! Since you included some yummy's for us to play with I HAD to take the book apart -I'm just not able to have cut pages left in a book, anyways I selected random pp's at 12x1 1/2 inch as the new binding and depending on the text and pictures I either had a 1/2 inch seam or a 1/4 inch seam -added a couple of pouch pages to house the cut up goodies, etc. I'm thinking of putting some lined school paper into the book so that I have a place to write down ideas while I'm going through the pages and I'm thinking about keeping the artwork i create as a result of flipping through Postmarked: LA. in there too...just have the three whole punches worked into the design. Monday saw me make 3 pieces of paper...found out after the wind storm that I'll have to figue something else out to take the place of the dove (it came off the wind chime), (you are right in saying that windchimes are hard to to take pictures of), Thursday evening made two more pieces of paper...Wednesday evening decided to do the Pam G. crepe paper (had a little sun late thursday evening so it's a lot dryer now), I picked up an Etsy order on Saturday and one of the buttons on the bodice of the dress was a little tight so that has become my "blosue" project. Still rolling ideas around about the frame...fitting in housework...thinking about moving my Whatever Tree into my Studio Niche -realizing I'm on a roll forgeting to finsih my Mom's Mother's Day card , my brother's birthday card and now my Dad's Father's Day card. Have a wonderful Friday and an awesome weekend. Joy joys to you.


Loving your hollyhocks! As a chid I would make hollyhock dolls, fully open bloom(upside down), a closed bud and toothpicks! Thanks for making me remember!!


Hi Rebecca,
I just found you on Etsy and noticed you are in Nashville. My seller name is stillwatersstudio and I'm about an hour south of you near Lewisburg.
I've enjoyed my visit to your blog and I'll


Oops! The end of my comment got cut off.
I was saying, I'll bookmark your site for a return visit.


THank you so much for your generous Handmade from Home blogs! They are so nice for us who won't be able to afford to go to the big art retreats but want some inspiration and new projects! karen b...

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