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03 January 2008


Michelle Gauthier

Happy New Year! I love that piece in your photo-just gorgeous! And I love that quote. I'm printing it off and posting it on my desk as a remdinder.


You have a way of writing things so well...
Happy 2008, my friend.

Lovely piece...

Jodi Buckmister

Glad your back! I missed looking at your beautiful words and things. Hope you had a beautiful holiday. Jodi B.

Wendy Stuart

I've missed your posts over the holidays. I have that same Bible verse over my sink and read it often. Happy New Year to you. Wendy Sue


Very good words to remember indeed. And a lovely piece. Love the colors.


Beautiful words to live by! I love your heart piece very much.



Welcome Back and Happy New Year!!!
Thanks for the inspiring words for a fresh start!!
And thanks for that sweet artwork.


I am going to copy that verse and stick it on my computer... such an important thing to remember... Here's to a new year filled with great joy for you and your family...


Happy New Year. That is one of the Bible verses I learned years ago. It's a good one to meditate on frequently.
Looking forward to your artsy endeavors this year.

Sandra Evertson

What a Beautiful piece!
Sandra Evertson


oh yeah, so glad you're back!
lovely piece of handwork too

Alicia Sharp

Love your art piece you have posted! I am so ready to get back to the norm, whatever that may be! LOL!!


...o.k! i'm ready! count me in! i will join you in making an effort to live this scripture! And along with constant prayer i will keep checking this blog because there is definitly always something worthy of praise here...thank you for blessing others like you do, Rebecca.


Rebecca, I just started "tuning" into your blog. I love your thoughts from Philippians. I used these verses with my daughter when she was dwelling on some things that served no good for her. So true: As we think in our hearts, we are. Thanks for the sweet reminder. I look forward to enjoying your blog! Your work is so inspiring and beautiful. Happy New Year!


Wonderful words to abide by, love that verse. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine, too; but hopefully a new, improved routine with plenty of fun adventures in the New Year. Happy, Happy to you. Blessings, Patricia


So good to see you back, hope you had a lovely holiday season.


As always, you choose such good, good words.

Happy New Year!


thank you for sharing beautiful words with us again. i always love your quotes and thoughts. it is definately something to live each day by. beautiful heart too. welcome back!


Thank you for that reminder...so true! I love it as well that God always is there to help me with those qualities rather than leaving me to go it alone!


what a lovely reminder!
i have missed your entries over the past few days.
while i am not a "resolutionsist", per se, i will vow to press on with you and the Apostle Paul to keep my thoughts in a better place!


Happy New Year ~ sure missed your inspiring reminders and gorgeous art. Hope you & yours enjoyed lovely holidays.

Sheila R

I am ready... I have printed it out and put in my daily planner to remind me each day. Thank you for blessing us with your encouraging words and beautiful inspiring artwork. Glad you are back!

Linda Smith

Thanks Rebecca for your (I mean Paul's) words, I needed them today. My New Year has not begun very well and I do need to be reminded of these things.
So glad you're back, I've missed reading your blog.

Pearl Maple

Great peice of crafting and great words to live by or think upon. What a great way to start a new year. Thank you.

Cheryl Dack

A wonderful beginning to the new year, Rebecca. Thank you for the very RELEVANT reminder...need that today! Hugs to you!

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