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09 March 2007



Thank you...thank you..
I needed to hear that as I hold my 4th child who is 5 months. I was trying to create something this morning, and it just was not working. I was starting to feel a little frustrated.
Thank you!


Just what I needed to hear today Rebecca. Thank you. I am trying to appreciate more the season of life I am in and not rush ahead into the future...so your reminder was special to read this morning! (But I do wish I could live on much less sleep so I could create late into the night :)

corinne delis

needed to hear that just this minute that my two kids are still giving me a serious headache and won't leave me alone for one minute! Sigh... cherish it right?


LOVE the cones btw!


Your cones are stunning and so inspirational. I wish I could have one of each, and possess the virtues they represent!


well that just made my day!!
no sooner had i noticed your awesome new banner and then realized you were offering your wonderful creations to us!!
gorgeous, beautiful, great testimony!!
please keep it up!!

Linda K

Feel so in sync with you and wish we could get together for a cup of tea and a chat. It is so true about children; time goes way yonder too fast, but THEN, the blessings begin with the grandkidlets!!


Hey! i remember that page and i love it!!...i don't think you could ever create anything bad...thanks for the happy words...


I remember that layout, too, and even scraplifted it! Your words seem to say exactly what is in my heart, but I can't get on paper. Life with our wee ones does go so very fast. My oldest "baby" will be going to college this fall. One of my favorite quotes is "Motherhood - the days are long, but the years are short" How true. Savor every moment.

Number Twelve

I have three lil' ones four years old and under ... I TOTALLY needed to hear that.

Thank you! Love the cones too, btw.

Lisa Cohen

I absolutely LOVE your virtue cones! What a delicious banner... please keep this one up for a looooong time!!

And thank you for the reminder to slow down. I feel like I'm doing so much (and my kids are 5 and 2). I'm going to do nothing tomorrow except savor and hug and tickle those little ones... some days I feel like I hear "mooommmmmmmmmeeeeee" or "mmmmmooooommmmm, he hit me" SO many times. But at least they still want to be around me (even if they want to be around me when I'm going to the bathroom or in the shower - there will come a time, too soon I'm sure, where they would rather be out with their friends). I will try to remember this the next time I hear someone whining my name! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.



Thank you from the mother of a 3-month old!


ohhh i so know what you mean...i love my teenagers but there are days lately where i miss those youngers years so much....when my children were young an older couple told me "oh enjoy & treasure these days because they grow so quickly!" and even though i feel like we did take their advice..those years still came too quickly! guess that's why we scrapbook too ?!

Laura Reaux

Thank you, such a great reminder! When I feel a bit frustrated that I haven't done something creative in a month, I try to think of what a short time this period is in the big picture. It's not always easy, LOL... I have a 3-year-old, 2-year-old, and 3-month-old. We're all going to the park to goof off today! ;)

Laura Reaux

I love the cones, by the way!


it's so nice to hear that. I have a 2 year son and yesterday I finally got a chance to get into my studio and make 30 cards. I was lucky that he is really "into" painting, so he just hung out with me while I worked. Sometimes I feel if I don't get anything done (like weeks go by) I feel that my studio is wasted. But it's nice to hear other mothers say, "it's okay."

Kimberly White

Thanks for the much needed encouragement! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Kim


Thank you for those special words Rebecca. I'm going to have remind myself to come back & read them often.

Tracy Whitney

So true! I've been thinking about the same thing recently. I have 3 daughters and my youngest is in 4th grade - no little ones underfoot anymore. I look back on those "crazy times" and wonder, "How did I DO that?!" Ironically, those crazy times went by very quickly and I wish I could go back for a couple of days to diapers and sippee cups and sticky peanut butter and jelly kisses. I certainly do appreciate my "freedom" these days. I think I earned it? Don't you?!


That quote is so wonderful. I have a five-year-old boy, and I already get nostalgic and a bit sad when I think about how I'll never be able to have him sleep on my chest, all snuggled up and content, or feel his sweet little breath on my neck as I hold him close to me, or smell that 'baby smell'. I feel like I blinked and he's five. I want to savor every moment with him as he grows. Before I know it he'll be off to college. How do people do it and not have a meltdown? Your quote is so so fitting! Thank you.


just what i needed to hear today...thank you:)


I loved your entry today. I love to see and hear women who truly value motherhood, who aren't chasing some other golden carrot, who realize children aren't stopping them from really living but are rather a major reason to live. Yes, I have days where I think, "If the girls were older, I could do XYZ" but then I remind myself of what has eternal value in God's eyes - and it's those precious little souls He entrusted to my earthly care! How can I possibly whine about not being able to create? It just doesn't matter right now!

Angie from ScrapScene

Love your cones Rebecca!


Thanks for the reminder - I'm pretty good about savoring the stay-at-home years while I've got them, but there are days that I would give my right arm for both of them to nap at the same time so that I could pull out some creative goodies and "play"! I don't know how you did it - running the store with the girls and a baby Luke and being oh, so creative in the process. I often wish I could do the same thing, but remind myself these tired days will pass and I'll be sitting around waiting for my babies to get home from school!

Risa | The ParTea Planner

Thank you so much for the sage words and gentle reminder. Mine are 8/6/2 years old and it's hard to appreciate these precious years at times (esp. after cleaning up spills six times a day).

I am savoring your blog and look forward to visiting more!


I'm a newcomer to your blog and am grateful to have found a kindred creator. Thanks for the great words. I'm just getting my family going with my first son (age 1) and I like the reminder. Thanks. Cool work too!

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