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13 March 2007



Oh my yes. Wasn't today just perfect? The boys are feeling the love for the smell of dirt too...wallowing in it to be exact. :)


Well, today in south eastern Michigan we're having a warm day of almost 70 degrees, which we haven't had since October, I think. The kids are out playing and selling lemonade, if you can believe it, which is one of the ways I know spring is in the air. We still have a few more weeks of winter around here (Saturday it will be 36 degrees) but I love these little spring teases. Toys are strewn about in my yard and I've seen many joggers out and about. Hmmm, these things mean spring to me! Thanks, Rebecca, for sharing what spring means in Tennessee.

Patti Mullican

Love, love, love your little bluebird! I have a thing for them. ;) Anyway, going right now to open my window and let the Spring breeze stream in. It's nearly 80 here today in the St Louis area!


It was a beautiful day here in Central New York, about 60 degrees & sunny too. Although there's still quite alot of snow on the ground, I have noticed that there is the slightest bit of grass (albeit a muted green/brown shade of grass)peeking out from along the edges of all the snowbanks. In my mind, that is surely a sign of spring!


Way up here in Canada - Winnipeg, Manitoba (just north of North Dakota) - spring has sprung this past four days. Our grand collection of snow is melting away so fast and the roads are awfully sloppy - not just messy water kind of sloppy, but pot-hole sloppy. But it's spring in Winnipeg! I have seen my first motorcycle of the year, on Saturday, basking in the sunny yet cool weather as it traversed down the highway! But haven't seen or heard my first Robin of the year yet!

Alisa Noble

Green Haze.
At least that's what I call it. I look for it every year just as March starts. As the trees begin to bud and leaf out, it looks as if there is a green haze hanging in the air around the tree. Makes me SO happy to see that!
Of course, normally here in the Dallas area it doesn't last long, but the pear trees seem to have more flowers on them and have kept them longer. It maybe a REAL spring this year!


I'm on the other side of Tennessee from you, (East Tennessee, Jonesborough)...and we have had 70 degrees the last few days-I caught the daffodils blooming today.


hello rebecca....if you want to see what myself and lots of friends are up to, to celebrate spring and Easter...please check out a little "journey" of sorts i started....a "celebration journal"


We have also really noticed spring coming in our neck of the woods. We are living in Huntersville, NC, recently transplanted from Savannah, GA. (I get the mosquito-swatting thing.) We have daffodils and crocus(es?) blooming in our flower beds, and our Bradford Pear trees and just about to bloom. I walk the yard and survey our dogwood trees, azaleas, and the beautiful bed of irises that I'm waiting for. It's exciting for me, and great to share with my soon to be 7-year-old daughter. We've got the windows open. Thanks.

Angie Grimm

Well spring comes a little later in my part of the country but it is starting to make itself known. There is that certain smell in the air. Fresh dirt, rain, earth worms (ewww I know but still...) trees thinking about budding. I love it all -well except for that dirty snow - someone needs to pick up after the dog in the yard thing...

Tracy Whitney

The snow is melting, melting, melting today. I can't wait for that "fresh dirt" smell. Soon.


In northern Jersey spring always fills my heart when i finally see the daffodils and crocus poking up through the dirt & snow....now my golden retriever & i will walk our yard and check on all the new growth ....she loves to roll in the grass and i have to say it looks like it feels soooo good!


I've had my windows open on and off all weekend, and through today. I'm in the central Ohio area, and it was absolutely beautiful today! My bulbs are coming up, the snow is officially gone (although I'm someone who actually enjoys the cold and snow, but I love this, too!). Today I was FINALLY inspired to put my winter decorations away (please don't make fun, I've been lazy this year) and get some spring and Easter things out! With the help of two boys, ages 3 and 6, it was also interesting! Yea!


Mmm... I'm beginning to love spring. I woke up this morning to the sounds of birds chirping. Can it get any better than that?


For us here in the Tampa Bay area, we know it's spring because our 'winter temperatures' of low 60's (brrrr!) have shot up into the 80's...making a climb towards summer where we have the great fortune of hitting the high 90's (hopefully you detect some sarcasm there). The only real way we know it's springtime is because Wal-mart has now put out it's Easter stuff. Ahhhhh...smells like spring!! =]


In Minneapolis Minnesota it got up to 65 yesterday! With that and the time change, the activity around the lakes after work has exploded!

My errands tooks me around Lake Harriet last evening (about a 3 mile loop) and the kids and I counted 52 dogs out taking walks. All sizes. Golden and Labrador Retrievers led the tally.

I didn't see any dogs in the water yet...that would be because the lake is still frozen over. Not frozen enough to walk on, but still covered in ice. Looking for "ice out" any day now!

And yes, we had the windows open in the kitchen while preparing supper. Mmmmmm.

Linda Sonia

Here in southeast Michigan it's struggling to arrive. We had a taste yesterday only to have it replaced with a rain/snow mix predicted for tonight... LOL! No big surprise though! Spring is my most favorite season of them all... the gradual greening, everything just seems so vividly alive. Everything has a new start! I will be anxiously awaiting the blooming of my periwinkle creeping phlox. My one of many favs!!


I'm with Rhonda - it already feels like summer to me here in Florida. I sure do miss a good Tennessee Spring - my absolute favorite season. (Although Fall is pretty wonderful too!)


Spring in Aberdeen,UK means snowdrops, crocus, and then a riot of daffodils! There are daffodils everywhere! Big, little, yellow, white, orange middles, double heads---everywhere! I never liked the color yellow until I moved here!

Lynne Gillis

One of the best things about Spring here in Illinois is that it brings out so much JOY in people. We are hearty, Midwestern stock, here, there's no doubt about that. And I think for the most part we weather the winter in pretty sturdy form... but the hint of Spring -- days like yesterday when it hit 72 degrees... it just brings out the best in people. There's a little spring in everyone's step, and you see a lot more smiles. People are just so happy that it's palpable!

So although we still have several weeks to come when the temperatures are as likely to dip into the 20's and 30's as they are to reach the 60's and 70's, the daffodils starting to poke their little leaves through the ground, and the absence of a lot of snow is reason for celebration...

Watching the change of seasons -- and the changes that people go through with each season -- is part of what I love most about living in Illinois.


We too have daffodils nodding their yellow heads everywhere now, along with pink trees, rhodies---some in full riotous bloom others just beginning to open a bud or two, magnolia trees with their large white flowers---all signs of spring here in Oregon. The occasional day that reaches up into the upper 60's and like this past weekend even into the 70's makes us all want to go hiking or get out & pull those happy weeds! College students out tossing frisbees, basking in the sun, biking around town without their rain gear, are more signs of spring around here. The rivers are full and running so fast with the latest rain shower to power them, and little bunnies are hopping out of the briars to nibble the fresh grass!


I love spring! It's my favorite season. Where I live it just goes from winter to summer though. We did have a week or two of pretty spring weather, which I thoroughly enjoyed... but now it's hot. I can't wait to see what spring is like in Washington next year!!! :)

mary walmer

here in NW PA near lake Erie we are starting what I call the 5th season- MUD SEASON-we had one day of nice weather on Tuesday but today i woke up to a fresh coating of snow...as the massive amounts of snow melt off it makes for a messy muddy few weeks then hopefully by mid to late April we will have a few weeks of real SPRING but the absolute best thing about NW PA is SUMMER...its PERFECT-not too hot(maybe a couple of weeks of over 90 degrees in August). When we are hip deep in snow for months on end and people ask me why we live here I always remember SUMMER.It is sooo worth it! Love your little birdie by the way- I just picked up a few sweet little tealight holders the other day-aqua or apple green clear glass sparrows-too cute!!

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