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29 March 2007


Sadie Olive

I just love this! I have added you to my favorite sellers in esty! I will check in often to see what's new. I am so glad I found your blog today.

tracy whitney

you're right - I should hop outta this computer chair and have myself a laundry adventure. lol!

Jessica Rosenbalm

hey Rececca!
Get "preachy" any time you want - i don't mind! :) We all need to be reminded to be positive and reach for a new adventure! That is what i have been doing lately, fulfilling a lifelong dream of photography. It has meant really stepping out of my comfort zone, while still keeping my family and ministry at church my first priority! I have truly enjoyed the challange though. It has pushed me creatively in so many ways- love that! You can check out my site if you ever have a chance - www.madisonblvd.com . (my business is named after my 6yr old daughter).
Thanks so much for the constant insparation you send our way. So, today, just hoping to send out a little love from Cincinnati Ohio!:) Have a happy day!

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