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27 March 2007


Sally in Mass

Preach it, sister!

We could all use a little "be a better you every day" reminder each and every day!

You are a breath of fresh air!


Very beautiful thoughts. I, too, am working on raising a virtuous, moral child, so he gets these types of 'speeches' often. I wish all parents did this. What a wonderful way we could improve this world. What did Ghandi say: "Be the change you want to see in the world"?

Ashley Schultz

Your blog is alway so uplifting. Thanks for these reminders...I think they're worthy goals to work towards for me too.


Thanks for this post, Rebecca!! You are an encourager.

Kimberly White

You are so right about a soft answer ... that Solomon knew his stuff (but then again, he did ask God for the best thing - wisdom!) Have a wonderful day! Kim


Wonderful post! i will be thinking about speaking softly all day. thank you!

Michelle Hart

I have daily contact with very diverse customers in my retail business and I find that a soft answer coupled with a smile works wonders to turn away the harshness that they usually walk in with. Thank you for being "preachy" today...I needed that reminder. You're a blessing!


Thanks for the positive affirmation! I've been thinking the same thoughts recently.


It's such a pleasure to visit your blog and find softness and positivity. Thank you.


I love reading your blog. You truly inspire me, not just spiritually, but creatively. Thank you for being so "real" and sharing so much of yourself with all of us.


Wow! I needed to read this post today....especially #3. Thank you so much.

Joy B.

You alway have the right words at the right time. Thank you.

Kris with a K

here's a happy blog to check out....


she has some things to say about being positive too!


Great post! Love your three points!!! :)


Great reminders, Rebecca...not preachy at all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


We all need these little reminders every once in a while. Thanks so much for sharing your heart with us.

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