So here's something to think about. I picked up the latest issue of Mary Jane's Farm because it's a special stitchery issue...artists in aprons. Anyway, here's a quote from her opening letter:
"Having heightened senses was once familiar ground, but our modern-day, noisy, well-lit lives are deadening our ability to sense, to know." Then she goes on to talk about how just getting alone in a quiet place with needle and thread or other rhythmic handiwork gives our brains the deep massage they need to stay healthy. Hmmm...strike a chord with anyone other than me? I'm totally with her on that over-noisy, over-stimulated, over-lit, over-electronic, over-stressed world attitude. Ugh. Can't we all just slow it down and exist on a simpler level? (am I starting to sound like Thoureau?--ha!).
I can't give up a day of watching television because I don't watch television in the first place. But I'm thinking I'm going to try one day of not even turning on the computer or listening to music, open the windows if it's nice out and give my brain and senses an invigorating massage. There's so much to be said for just being still (an art I've yet to master) and creating with your hands--it's completely different from being lazy or not getting anything done. It makes us better women.
So here's to a moment of stillness in your day. I love you guys and think of you often.