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03 January 2007



Rebecca, you are so dead on with this thought. Thanks for being a voice of truth and reason in a world of 'me'. Happy New Year to you and your cute family.


Well said!


You are such an inspiration -- emotionally and creatively. Keep it coming!!!!


You hit the nail right on the head with this one! And, it was a much needed kick in the pants for me!


I so appreciate your voice in a world of reflection on the mirror. It is only in service to others that the true happiness is found. Love the frame.


Yep. That's the bottom line....life in order..THIS order=
J-Jesus first
O-Others second
Y-Yourself third.......JOY!
Mary Ellen


Love this challenge...
I am going to work on something for my work room...
Thanks, Rebecca!


definitely up for that challenge...i never thought about it that way, that we are all feeling unloved and unappreciated. not sure how i will accomplish it, but will keep it in mind everyday to focus on YOU and not ME.


Rebecca, you are just so right. So very right. And boy do we as women need to hear this and be reminded of it each and every day. We need to focus on being thankful for all we DO have instead of focusing on what we don't have or what we want. Wanted you to know I posted your thoughts in a comment I made on Melody Ross's blog - the two of you are thinking along the same lines this New Year's!



I am lovin' your blog! Great words of wisdom, I'm also going to focus more outwardly.

Can't wait to see your new studio!!

I hope sometime you put out book #3. Your books are really what motivate me and help me understand what scrapbooking is really all about.

Happy New Year!!


You go girl!
Although I already "know" everything you just wrote, it is so easy to forget. Thanks for the reminder. The "poor me" syndrome likes to come in and take over all too often.
It's all about focus, really.
I love the little visual reminder you made for your studio. Great idea.


Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes it's so easy to forget that others should come first.


I so agree with you!! A young man in my sons grade just lost his mother to a car accident. I keep thinking about the today and now is all you really have. So I have been scrapping away! keep those memories.


The world today tells us to be "all about me"...it is difficult enough for myself to stay on the right path but i find it so much more challenging when raising children...i don't want them to have that mentality Max Lucado has a book.."It's not about Me" His books always keep me focused!
thanks for sharing

LIsa C

thank YOU!!! Your artwork is inspiring and I needed this message today.


Would love to see pictures of the studio "before" and "after" -- just love those things! I can only imagine how much fun it will be when it is all done! Enjoy!


Thank You for the perspective and reminder. I needed it. Now, I will remind myself and may visit again to be reminded as needed. :)


how true - and how wonderful the world would be if everyone lived by that. thank you for something to think about and work on.


My new years resolution is to quit smoking - 3 days so far! so that was my "me" thing. I found this wonderful organization called save the children and you crochet or knit baby hats and they get donated to babies overseas. I learned to make hats now and have completed 3! I am so excited to be able to use some of the talent I have to help out humanity.

Wendy in MD

So true! Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to figure out a way to remind myself of this daily. Hmmmmm....

Kim Branson

Great entry, Rebecca! To me, the "YOU" I honor and celebrate is GOD - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I try to convey His greatness in the "everyday" layouts I create. The subject matter might be about a place, a person, a thing or an experience - or even about "me" - but the focus is always about Him and Who He is or what He's doing.

Thanks for the reminder and the inspiration, Hon -- New Year's Blessings to you and your family :)

Hugs from Alaska - kimB


Love the textures in your art! Hope to see you at CHA!


Amen, Sista!

Tracy Whitney

powerful words - and very true.


Great post Rebecca. Love the framed art. Can't wait to see photos of your studio when you get it finished. :)

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